The Dragon stars series is comprised of highly-detailed and articulated figures from Dragon Ball Super. Standing tall at 6.5", having 16 or more points of articulation, and a set of additional hands, these figures can be posed in over 9, 000 positions. Season 6 of this Series contains many fan-favorite characters, as well as some new faces: Super Saipan 2 Golan, Main Buy final form, Super Saipan 3 Goren’s, Android 18, Super Saipan blue Goleta, and Super Saipan barely from Dragon Ball Super. Each figure also includes extra hands and/ or accessories. Each figure sold separately.
- Highly detailed and poseable 6.5” figure
- 16 or more points of articulation
- Each figure comes with a second set of hands for additional posing options
- Premium collector’s packaging
Packaging : NewPieces : 3
Figures : 1
Series Number : 35855
Model Number : 36189
UPC / GTIN : 045557361891
Suggested Age : 4